FEMA Compliant Flood Vents

A simple solution that saves thousands on insurance. Flood vents can be installed in new construction and preexisting homes.

Carpentier Construction is the only certified Smart Vent installer on New Hampshire’s Seacoast.

flood vents Carpentier Construction, Home elevations, helical piles, Hampton, New Hampshire, seacoast, flooding, base flood elevation, construction, FEMA, helical piles, commercial construction, repair, foundation, flood vents, insurance, structural

How do flood vents work?

  • Protect Your Foundation

    Flood vents prevent pressure on exterior and interior walls by relieving the hydrostatic pressure caused by quick moving water in commonly flooded areas.

  • Provide Structural Options

    Flood vents allow enclosures below base flood elevation.

  • Easiest Mitigation Solution

    They can be installed in previously constructed homes, commercial property, or new construction. Carpentier Construction is one of the only SmartVent Flood Vent installers in the seacoast area.

Our Services

  • Residential Homes

    Add a garage to an elevated home by installing flood vents. Enclosed areas are permitted below elevated buildings with the use of flood damage-resistant materials, and installation of flood openings that allow automatic entry and exit of floodwater. (FEMA.gov)

  • Commercial Property

    Flood vents prevent damage to commercial property and costly insurance claims. Contact Carpentier Construction to see if flood vents are the right solution for your establishment.

A Visual Explanation

flood vents Carpentier Construction, Home elevations, helical piles, Hampton, New Hampshire, seacoast, flooding, base flood elevation, construction, FEMA, helical piles, commercial construction, repair, foundation, flood vents, insurance, structural

Learn more about FEMA Compliant Flood Vents